Thursday, 10 December 2009

The Evil "Good" Person

We all love to hate a good villain/antagonist. Darth Vader, Captain Hook, The Joker.

The list is endless.

Sometimes, however these villains are just a little too obvious.
Yes they are nasty people we get that, and so do all the characters.

No if you want real anger within the viewer you need The Evil "Good" Person.

Here are two of my favourites who are interestingly both Bible-bashing prison workers!

Firstly we have The Warden from The Shawshank Redemption who can't admit to himself that the prison he runs is flouting human rights laws and has no shame in killing a prisoner when he offers to testify in a fellow inmate's appeal. It's all in the name of god of course.

Secondly we have Percy, a warden from the The Green Mile. This character is a rather slimy character who only got his undeserved position through his powerful connections wets himself when he's scared, walks round like he owns the place and feels the need to take his anger out on rodents.

Characters like these tear the viewer apart as wile one can see that they are thoroughly evil, more importantly one is frustrated both at the inability of others to see them for who they really are and the villains' delusion that they are somehow good people.

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