Friday, 15 January 2010

Concept (And Art)

This post I actually made on the 21st Jan, despite coming up with the concept a wile before. These little sketches illustrate how I plan on presenting my final images.

In order to illustrate the effect of time on the activities and consciousness of living things I intend on taking multiple photos of vegetation and one of my friends and maybe - if I can find a creature that will oblige - of an animal. The photos will be taken at larger intervals the lower the level of the conscious the being in question is. I.e a tree will be photographed every hour or so, while my friend no less than every minute. I then plan on blending the images of the same object in photoshop to create two or hopefully three final images. The main message of the outcome will be illustrated by the fact that in comparison to the tree my friend will be far more ruled by time through their emotions. This will best be demonstrated if I manage to catch them at their most emotionally variant where the situation they are in has a greater sense of time than usual; say, when they are in a rush to get somewhere.

This may sound a little confusing, hopfully the below pictures will help.

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