Tuesday, 30 March 2010
First Thoughts on Sound
Really feeling the bit that starts at 1.58!
Saturday, 27 March 2010
My Evalutation of Our Station
The thougt of designing a space station was of course right up my street (as it would be anyone’s in our class!). Immediately thoughts of Tokyo and futuristic architecture sprang to mind and after watching Ghost in the Shell and looking at the prestigious architect Kisho Kurokawa, I had two basic visual themes in mind; one was a vey smooth and minimal style, similar to 2001 a space Odyssey, the other was a far more jagged and complicated design. After going with the former design scheme we divided ourselves roughly into our respective roles, mine being sound. None the less during our first “leg” of building partly due to my teammates’ absence, I got going with a little building myself before setting to work on designing the sound. The sound design was very enjoyable is it really got me thinking as it was the first time I’d ever really designed sound as opposed to creating sounds I like for artistic purposes. For this reason it was rather time consuming trying to get the desired sounds from my synths but I’m very satisfied with the result. After finishing the sound design I was surprised to see all my building moved to one side and a much more impressive structure in its place! Since the structure put my untextured work to shame I could hardly be vexed!
Overall, dispite the absence on all our parts, I feel we worked well as a team. What I think our strength lied in, was the fact that we were all open to each other’s opinions and kept our appropriately sized egos under control. In short we cooperated as opposed to going off in our own directions.
Station Snapshots
Monday, 22 March 2010
Woops, bit late but here are my drawings
Wednesday, 17 March 2010
My Station's Sound Design
Tuesday, 16 March 2010
My Building Conribution
Although after allocating our various roles we decided that I wasn't going to be doing any building or texturing (sound would be my area) I decided to get going with the building on my own as both my teammates were absent. Surrounding are photos of the central command centre-complete with pyramid shaped "hal" esque super computer, Zero gravity combat area, cabin, mechanical grabbing arm and hover chair. My plan was to create a little more touch it up a bit and then give to my teammate for texturing. All these creations however my teammates decided they could improve on and thus none of them are in the final model. And no I'm not complaining as what they've done is a lot nicer than what's above! Also there is the cargo pod (bottom right) which is a keeper. That as you can see is to be textured by Dave.
Friday, 12 March 2010
The Value of Creativity to Society
My Banana
Tuesday, 9 March 2010
I think I might start gaming again...
For me there are two main reasons why this game this far from the brain rotting virtual crack I used to indulge in back in the day. These reasons are the same reasons why people will happily spend hours watching films and deem them "mind expanding"