Sunday, 7 November 2010

Dhalsim and Ghandi

Here are two rather similar characters that are slightly more familiar to many of us than Buddha. Both are skinny Indian and (usually) pacifists. Ghandi I feel is a little more inspirational to my character design as unlike Dhalsim he did have a great deal more power hidden within is scrawny body. Dhalsim does most definately kick ass and looks like he does aswell. Still, he does look quite mystic and intrigueing, a quality that I want my character to have.

1 comment:

  1. Wise men, mentors, mystics etc. seem to be cropping up over and over again on your blog. It would seem appropriate to use this area as a starting point for your essay. Check out the possible essay starts on my blog and see if there is a starting point there for you and then if there is nothing that interests you let me know by dropping me a comment.
