Sunday 10 April 2011

Two Books

Right now I'm in the middle of writing a script for my negotiated study next next term and it seems to be quite going quite well. Still, for a beginner it's a total minefield as unlike being a Cinematographer or Editor there seems to be no obvious way of learning or improving, or is there? I am a strong believer in the idea that with enough practice one can become good at anything so I googled a little and came across a number of well reviewed texts on the subject of scriptwriting.

On Amazon I looked for a top ten list of screenwriting books and "How Not to Write a Screenplay" seemed like the most appropriate. After looking at a few reviews I realised that many other notable texts were colossal tombs that would probably paralyze a beginner such as myself, with the attention span of a gnat with A.D.D. Secondly I wanted a book on comedy writing as at the moment it's the comedy/drama route I'm interested in. For this there appeared to be no contest and "Comedy Writing Secrets" was the way to go. The two books are on their way to my front door, straight from Amazon as we speak.

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